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Say Goodbye to Slow and Complex Integration Tests

Automate end-to-end data tests for any job or application

Data Caterer generate, validate and clean data testing flow


Generate production-like data to test your jobs or applications. Create data in files, databases, HTTP APIs and messaging systems.

Generate data in existing Postgres database

You have existing tables in Postgres and you want to generate data for them whilst maintaining relationships between tables.

val accountTask = postgres("customer_postgres", "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/customer")
val config = configuration.enableGeneratePlanAndTasks(true)
var accountTask = postgres("customer_accounts", "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/customer");
var config = configuration().enableGeneratePlanAndTasks(true);
#with env variable ENABLE_GENERATE_PLAN_AND_TASKS=true
name: "postgres_example_plan"
  - name: "postgres_account"
    dataSourceName: "postgresCustomer"
  1. Click on Connection tab and add your Postgres conneciton
  2. Go back to Home tab and Select data source as your Postgres connection
  3. Click on Generate and select Auto
  4. Click on Execute to generate data
SELECT * FROM account.accounts LIMIT 1;

account_number | account_status |     created_by      | created_by |     open_timestamp      
0499572486     | closed         | Stewart Hartmann    | eod        | 2023-12-02 12:30:37.602 

SELECT * FROM account.balances where account_number='0499572486';

account_number |  balance  |    update_timestamp      
0499572486     | 285293.23 | 2024-01-30 03:30:29.012 

SELECT * FROM account.transactions where account_number='0499572486';

account_number |  amount  |    create_timestamp      
0499572486     |  1893.46 | 2024-03-13 18:05:45.565
Create, get and delete pets via HTTP API using the same id

First, generate data for creating pets via POST, then get pets via GET and finally delete pets via DELETE, all using the same id.

val httpTask = http("my_http")

val myPlan = plan.addForeignKeyRelationship(
  foreignField("my_http", "POST/pets", ""),
  foreignField("my_http", "GET/pets/{id}", "pathParamid"),
  foreignField("my_http", "DELETE/pets/{id}", "pathParamid")
var httpTask = http("my_http")

var myPlan = plan().addForeignKeyRelationship(
        foreignField("my_http", "POST/pets", ""),
        foreignField("my_http", "GET/pets/{id}", "pathParamid"),
        foreignField("my_http", "DELETE/pets/{id}", "pathParamid")
name: "http_openapi"
  - name: "pets"
      records: 10
      metadataSourceType: "openApi"
      schemaLocation: "/opt/app/http/petstore.json"
name: "http_plan"
  - name: "http_openapi"
    dataSourceName: "http"

    - source:
        dataSource: "http"
        step: "POST/pets"
        fields: [""]
        - dataSource: "http"
          step: "GET/pets/{id}"
          fields: ["pathParamid"]
        - dataSource: "http"
          step: "DELETE/pets/{id}"
          fields: ["pathParamid"]
  1. Click on Connection tab, add your OpenAPI/Swagger connection to file and add HTTP connection
  2. Go back to Home tab and Select data source as your HTTP connection
  3. Click on Generate, select Auto with metadata source and then select your OpenAPI/Swagger connection
  4. Go to Relationships and click on + Relationship
    1. For Source, select your task name, field as, method as POST and endpoint as /pets
    2. Click on Generation and + Link, select your task name, field as pathParamid, method as GET and endpoint as /pets/{id}
    3. Click on + Link, select your task name, field as pathParamid, method as DELETE and endpoint as /pets/{id}
  5. Click on Advanced Configuration, open Flag and enable Generate Plan And Tasks
  6. Click on Execute to generate data
    "method": "POST",
    "url": "http://localhost/anything/pets",
    "body": {
      "id": "ZzDRmGMnoei9M5D", 
      "name": "Dave Windler"
    "method": "GET",
    "url": "http://localhost/anything/pets/ZzDRmGMnoei9M5D"
    "method": "DELETE",
    "url": "http://localhost/anything/pets/ZzDRmGMnoei9M5D"
Populate Kafka topic with account events

Create fresh data in your Kafka topics for account events with nested structures.

val kafkaTask = kafka("my_kafka", "localhost:9092")
    field.messageBody("account_id").regex("ACC[0-9]{8}"),"account_status").oneOf("open", "closed", "suspended", "pending"),"balance").`type`(DoubleType).round(2),"details")
var kafkaTask = kafka("my_kafka", "localhost:9092")
                        field().name("account_status").oneOf("open", "closed", "suspended", "pending"),
name: "simple_kafka"
- name: "kafka_account"
  type: "kafka"
    topic: "accounts"
    - name: "key"
      type: "string"
        sql: "body.account_id"
    - name: "messageBody"
      type: struct
      - name: "account_id"
          regex: "ACC[0-9]{8}"
      - name: "account_status"
          oneOf: ["open", "closed", "suspended", "pending"]
      - name: "balance"
        type: "double"
          round: 2
      - name: "details"
        type: struct
          - name: "name"
          - name: "open_date"
            type: "date"
              min: "now()"
  1. Click on Connection tab, add your Kafka connection
  2. Go back to Home tab, Select data source as your Kafka connection and put topic as accounts
  3. Click on Generate and select Manual checkbox
    1. Click on + Field, add name key with type string
      1. Click on +, select SQL and enter body.account_id
    2. Click on + Field, add name messageBody with type struct
      1. Click on inner + Field, add name account_id with type string
      2. Click on +, select Regex and enter ACC[0-9]{8}
      3. Click on inner + Field, add name account_status with type string
      4. Click on +, select One Of and enter open, closed, suspended, pending
      5. Click on inner + Field, add name balance with type double
      6. Click on +, select Round and enter 2
      7. Click on inner + Field, add name details with type struct
        1. Click on inner + Field, add name name with type string
        2. Click on inner + Field, add name open_date with type date
          1. Click on +, select Min and enter now()
  4. Click on Execute to generate data
      "name":"Jonie Farrell",
      "name":"Debrah Douglas",
      "name":"Elmer Lind",

And Validate

Ensure your job or service is working as expected before going to production by generating data, ingesting it and then validating the downstream data sources have the correct information.

Check all generated records from CSV exist in Iceberg

Run data generation for CSV file (based on schema from data contract), consume it from your job (that produces an Iceberg table) and then validate it.

val csvTask = csv("csv_accounts", "/data/csv/customer/account", Map("header" -> "true"))

val icebergTask = iceberg("iceberg_accounts", "dev.accounts", "/data/iceberg/customer/account")
var csvTask = csv("csv_accounts", "/data/csv/customer/account", Map.of("header", "true"))

var icebergTask = iceberg("iceberg_accounts", "dev.accounts", "/data/iceberg/customer/account")
name: "csv_accounts"
- name: "accounts"
  type: "csv"
    path: "/data/csv/customer/account"
    metadataSourceType: "openDataContractStandard"
    dataContractFile: "/opt/app/mount/odcs/full-example.odcs.yaml"
name: "iceberg_account_checks"
    - options:
        path: "/data/iceberg/customer/account"
        - field: "account_id"
            - type: "unique"
        - field: "open_time"
            - type: "isIncreasing"
        - groupByFields: [ "account_id" ]
          aggType: "sum"
          aggExpr: "sum(balance) > 0"
        - aggType: "count"
          aggExpr: "count == 1000"
  1. Click on Connection tab, add your CSV, Iceberg and ODCS (Open Data Contract Standard) connection
  2. Go back to Home tab, enter task name as csv_accounts and Select data source as your CSV connection
  3. Click on Generate and select Auto from metadata source checkbox
    1. Select your ODCS connection as the metadata source
  4. Click on + Task, select Iceberg and select your Iceberg connection
    1. Click on + Validation, select Field, enter account_id and select Unique
    2. Click on + Validation, select Group By and enter account_id
      1. Click on +, select Sum and enter balance > 0
    3. Click on + Validation, select Field and enter open_time
      1. Click on +, select Is Increasing
    4. Click on + Validation, select Group By and enter account_id
    5. Click on +, select Count, click on + next to count, select Equal and enter 1000
  5. Click on Execute to generate data
Use validations from Great Expectations

If you have existing data quality rules from an external source like Great Expectations, you can use them to validate your data without rewriting them as part of your tests.

val jsonTask = json("my_json", "/opt/app/data/taxi_json")
var jsonTask = json("my_json", "/opt/app/data/taxi_json")
name: "taxi_data_checks"
    - options:
        path: "/opt/app/data/taxi_json"
        metadataSourceType: "greatExpectations"
        expectationsFile: "/opt/app/mount/ge/taxi-expectations.json"
  1. Click on Connection tab, select data source type as Great Expecations
    1. Enter Expectations file as /opt/app/mount/ge/taxi-expectations.json
  2. Click on Home tab, Select data source as your JSON connection
  3. Open Validation and select checkbox Auto from metadata source
    1. Select your Great Expectations connection as the metadata source
  4. Click on Execute to generate data
Complex validations based on pre-conditions or upstream data
  • Check balance is 0 when status is closed
  • Check open_time is the same in CSV and Iceberg
  • Check sum of amount in Iceberg is the same as balance in CSV for each account_id
val icebergTask = iceberg("iceberg_accounts", "dev.accounts", "/data/iceberg/customer/account")
        validation.groupBy("account_id", "csv_accounts_balance").sum("amount").isEqualField("csv_accounts_balance")
var icebergTask = iceberg("iceberg_accounts", "dev.accounts", "/data/iceberg/customer/account")
                                validation().groupBy("account_id", "csv_accounts_balance").sum("amount").isEqualField("csv_accounts_balance")
name: "iceberg_account_checks"
    - options:
        path: "/data/iceberg/customer/account"
        - preFilterExpr: "status == 'closed'"
          expr: "balance == 0"
        - upstreamDataSource: "csv_accounts"
          joinFields: ["account_id"]
            - expr: "open_time == csv_accounts.open_time"
            - groupByFields: ["account_id", "csv_accounts_balance"]
              aggType: "sum"
              aggExpr: "sum(amount) == csv_accounts_balance"
  1. Click on + Task, select Iceberg and select your Iceberg connection
    1. Pre-filter is not available yet via UI but will be soon!
    2. Click on + Validation, select Upstream and enter csv_accounts
    3. Click on +, select Join Field(s) and enter account_id
    4. Click on + Validation, select Field and enter open_time
      1. Click on +, select Equal and enter csv_accounts.open_time
    5. Click on + Validation, select Group By and enter account_id, csv_accounts_balance
      1. Click on +, select Sum and enter amount
      2. Click on +, select Equal and enter csv_accounts_balance
  2. Click on Execute to generate data

Why use Data Caterer

  • Catch bugs before production: Bring stability to your data pipelines
  • Speed up your development cycles: Fast feedback testing locally and in test environments
  • Single tool for all data sources: No custom scripts needed
  • No production data or connection required: Secure first approach, fully metadata driven
  • Easy to use for testers and developers: Use either UI, Java, Scala or YAML
  • Simulate complex data flows: Maintain relationships across data sources

Main features

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What it is

  • Test data management tool

    Generate synthetic production-like data to be consumed and validated. Clean up the data after using to keep your environments clean.

  • Run locally and in test environments

    Fast feedback loop for developers and testers to ensure the data is correct before going to production.

  • Designed for any data source

    Support for pushing data to any data source, in any format, batch or real-time.

  • High/Low/No code solution

    Use the tool via either UI, Java, Scala or YAML.

  • Developer productivity tool

    If you are a new developer or seasoned veteran, cut down on your feedback loop when developing with data.

Who can use it

Type Interface User
No Code UI QA, Testers, Data Scientist, Analyst
Low Code YAML DevOps, Kubernetes Fans
High Code Java/Scala Software Developers, Data Engineers

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