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Automated test data management.

Create simple managed flows for data generation, validation and cleanup.

Data Caterer generate, validate and clean data flow

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Any data source
Built for any batch or real-time data sources for data generation or validation.
Define your data connections for data sources, metadata sources and alerts.

Create relationships between any data sources, batch or real-time.
Generate data with relationships between any data source.

Complex Data Validations
Don't just fire and forget. Validate your data directly based on data generated.
Define specific field, group by/aggregate, column name or upstream 
data source validations.

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What is it

  • Test data management tool

    Generate synthetic production-like data to be consumed and validated. Clean up the data after using to keep your environments clean.

  • Designed for any data source

    We aim to support pushing data to any data source, in any format, batch or real-time.

  • Low/no code solution

    Use the tool via either UI, Scala, Java or YAML.

  • Developer productivity tool

    If you are a new developer or seasoned veteran, cut down on your feedback loop when developing with data.

What it is not

  • Metadata storage/platform

    You could store and use metadata within the data generation/validation tasks but is not the recommended approach. Rather, this metadata should be gathered from existing services who handle metadata on behalf of Data Caterer.

  • Data contract

    The focus of Data Caterer is on the data generation and testing, which can include details about how the data looks like and how it behaves. But it does not encompass all the additional metadata that comes with a data contract such as SLAs, security, etc.

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